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mimi brown

A Boston University senior from St. Louis, Missouri, with a passion for all things creative.


I've always loved making collages--from an eight-year-old covered in paper and glue in her mom's kitchen, to a twenty-year-old in the same state--I believe that mess can be beautiful, when curated correctly. Something that has changed, though, since my initial love for collage came to be, is my passion for environmentalism. 


In early 2020, I started memesmixedmedia as a way to share my visual art with my friends and family, as well as to reuse the old magazines piling up in my family's art studio. I wanted to give new life to forgotten art--celebrate words that we'd loved and read already.


Then, as disaster struck our world and the dismantling of centuries-long systems called for education of the masses, I turned to the only way I knew I could help. Quickly, my art and writing became media for me to challenge my own preconceptions and call others to do the same. I knew I needed a place where all my work could live in harmony--or curated mess. 


I hope this website can serve as a space where lovers of words and works of art can come together to incite change in our world.



contact · @memesmixedmedia on instagram

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